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Female-Men? Albanian Sworn Virgins

Female cross dressing has a long history in Europe. Recorded in myths, fairy tales, folk songs, it is not uncommon to stumble upon the...

Military Service & Gender

A common rite of passage for boys and men is joining the military. In some countries, military service is mandatory for men, and...

Becoming -Phobic to Become a Man

The previous post spoke about rites of masculinity in Western countries, or rather their absence. Lacking a unified transitional ritual...

Western Masculinity's Fragility

The point of male rites of passages is to bring a boy into adulthood (Raphael, 1988, p.10). In order for the rite of passage to work, all...

Amish Rumspringa

Amish community ideals and morals originate from those of Anabaptist Christians (Mazie, 2005, p. 748). They value simplicity, modesty,...

Hamar Cow Jumping

The Hamar are a pastoral tribe located in the Omo River Valley of Ethiopia. In Hamar culture, a man comes of age by successfully...

Death of the Bar Mitzvah?

Bar mitzvahs are considered to be the rite of passage from child to adult for Jewish people (Shoham, 2018, p. 133), and the word was...

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